Chalkstream Productions

Chalkstream Productions is a music company founded in 2018 and based in the UK. We’re a collection/collaboration of composers, songwriters, musicians, sound engineers, producers, and other key industry professionals. Founded in 2018, we exist to promote new music and artists in a crowded industry. With an emphasis on collaboration, we are a collection of professionals who represent every part of the music journey – from our individual songwriters to our record label via recording, post-production and marketing. We work with and for emerging musicians to help them find their voice, image, and most importantly to get their music out into the world. We are a small community of fully involved and committed creatives putting our love of music first. We are not genre bound and are here to support all our artists and writers every step of the way however we are able. We are most importantly a supportive community who value the collaborative nature of music making above all else, as together we can support and challenge each other to make the best music.

For general enquiries:
For licensing enquiries:
For artist/representation enquiries: